Day: July 16, 2015

How to deploy servers with KickStart 5.0

  1. Open up Vcenter and login
  1. Find the folder you wish to create the new vm
    1. Right click on the folder and select create a new vm
    2. Go through and select the VM parameters you require ie(CPU, Memory, HD space, etc)
      NOTE: that you should keep the HD space to 50 gigs and thin provision the vm.
  2. Next you want to edit the VM settings
    1. Select the CD/DVD option and then boot off a redhat linux 6.6 install dvd.
      1. Enable the connect on start and conneted check boxes at the top.
    2. Next you want to select the Network adapter and select the correct Network Label(VLAN) so the server will be able to communicate dependant on which ever ip/network you chose.

Note: You will not be able to kickstart if you do not have the proper vlan for your ip.

  1. Next Login into satellite
    1. Click on kickstart on the left pane and then profiles
    2. Select the button “Advanced options
    3. Scroll down to network and edit the line as needed.
      1. –bootproto=static –ip= –netmask= –gateway=  – –nameserver=

Note: You need to do this if you want the server provisioned with ip and hostname post install.

  1. Scroll down and click update for settings to take effect.
  2. Next click on System Details and then Paritioning.
  3. Edit the partitions to the specification required. You in most cases wont need to update this will be a standard template. However for the purposes of documentation its here.

Example of standard partition scheme

part /boot –fstype=ext4 –size=500
part pv.local –size=1000 –grow
volgroup vg_local pv.local
logvol / –fstype ext4 –name=root –vgname=vg_local –size=2048
logvol swap –fstype swap –name=swap –vgname=vg_local –recommended
logvol /tmp –fstype ext4 –name=tmp –vgname=vg_local –size=1024
logvol /usr –fstype ext4 –name=usr –vgname=vg_local –size=4096
logvol /home –fstype ext4 –name=home –vgname=vg_local –size=2048
logvol /var –fstype ext4 –name=var –vgname=vg_local –size=4096 –grow
logvol /var/log –fstype ext4 –name=log –vgname=vg_local –size=2048 –grow
logvol /var/log/audit –fstype ext4 –name=audit –vgname=vg_local –size 1024
logvol /opt –fstype ext4 –name=opt –vgname=vg_local –size=4096 –grow

  • Once you have the desired setting, select “Update Paritions”

4. Next Select Software
     5. You can add or remove any necessary or un-necessary packages.

By using the (-) before the package name it will remove it from the base install. If you simply type in the package name it will ensure its added to the base install.

The packages indicated below are an example of how you
@ Base
@X Window System

6.  Select update packages once you have chosen your base packages

7. Now boot up the vm, once your cd/image is booted you should see a grub line, before it boots into the install, follow the steps below.

8. At the grub line issue the following command. (Update the ip according to above step as needed. If you are using DHCP then you just need the url without the additional parameters.

linux ks= ip= netmask= gateway= nameserver=

9. Your VM at this point should go through without any user interaction and install and reboot with a functional OS.

Note: Since you have kickstarted your server using satellite, it will automatically be registered to satellite server, saving you the hassel of doing it after the fact.